New Week New Stuff!

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's the start of a new week here at the Clements Farm.  To kick off the week, I installed a device that will alter our lives and could damage our psyche.  Hey, the kids are too young to remember all these goofy things I have done.  Not Jacob. The little kids.  Jacob knows everything and never ceases to remind me.

Here it is:

You can find it here.  It was pretty cheap, and that frightened me a little.  I figured it would be a pile of junk.  It's not.  Actually the hose is really great quality and the installation is a breeze.  The package supplied me with enough Teflon tape for several more projects.

What is the Blue Bidet?  Well, it's for the poopies.  Sorry.

Now, you know I would rather spit hot fiery nails than refer you to, but I will.  The site had the quickest run down on why to use a bidet.  You can read about bidet usage here.

Just in case you, my dear friends, don't know.  I am a lady.  I use a LOT of toilet paper.  I use it for LOTS of things.  (Like wiping the rim of the toilet obsessively.)  Being a lady of learnedness, I came to the conclusion that I could work toward making my home practically paper product free. 

About a year ago, I stumbled onto (sorry, I didn't stumbleupon it) Grocery Shrink's website.  I was looking for ways to cut costs.  I have worked most of her cost cutting suggestions into our lives, except the no toilet paper deal.  The whole concept was mind boggling.  No toilet paper?  Say what?  She doesn't use a bidet (at least I don't think she does).  Just cut up cloths put into the wash. 

It's the whole "putting them in the wash" thing that put my husband and I at loggerheads every time I brought up the paper free concept.  He is very technical.  (and very wordy.)  Saving money on toilet paper was not going to save us any money at all.  In fact, it would cost more, because we have propane to heat our water.  Running an extra load everyday would require more hot water equaling more propane usage.  So, I would drop the whole idea and sulk.  And stomp.

Then, one magical day, I caught an episode of Dr. Oz.  He was talking about bidets.  For the record, I cannot stand Dr. Oz.  He is just so cool.  Whatever.  He's all Oprah-fied.  He makes my skin crawl.  That said, I am sure he is a great guy.  I listened to about three words of the show and off I went to research these magical tools.  Mine doesn't use hot water and the cloth is only needed to clean up water, so no heavy, hot cycles in the wash.

Anyway, it's super easy.  1-2-3 you're done.  Pat dry and go!  It stores nice and you can tell people its for spraying off diapers if you are so ashamed.


Nothin' to it!

If you decide to get a bidet, I would recommend one that at least warms the water a little.  (If you don't have propane heat, spend a little extra).  The one drawback is that our well water is arctic cold.  Arctic. Cold.


Charity Anne February 21, 2011 at 2:06 PM  

Wow. You're brave. Let us know how that plays out for you.

Lizzie February 21, 2011 at 2:25 PM  

So far so good! Descriptions have been "invigorating" and "yeah, it works, whatever".

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