I Will Remember You-Or Things I will miss about Washington
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I have never been silent about my dislike of Washington Rain. I capitalize it because it deserves respect. It is a force to be reckoned with, but I feel sorry for the reckoner. After seven years I have grown to use the "H" word when it comes to the rain. For those who have never been to Washington and experienced at least three rainy winters in a row I say -"Oh my gosh you are so lucky-what's it like in the real world-is it still there? "
For all that I don't like about the state of Washington (liberals, rain, Olympia, no jobs) there is much that I do. Oh, I do.
Like Mt. Rainier. When I come over the last hill on HWY 6 going to Chehalis, its there. Big as the Moon. Just as beautiful and wondrous as any heavenly body. I could stare at it for hours. The power, the glory!
The Chehalis River with Doty Bridge Construction in the background.